Khasm Labs

Purposeful innovation, not hype

We're redefining the way startups, enterprise partners, and technology platforms work together.
White particle
Illustration representing the 'Scout' step in the process, emphasizing the initial stage of startup selection and vetting
Our program’s operating approach starts with vetted scouting. Distinguished in the market for our hands-on approach to innovation, corporate partners, venture firms and founder-based referrals play an active role in our program’s startup selection.
Visual representation of the 'Test' phase, highlighting the collaboration and proof of value projects with startups
We work across our startups, tech platform partners and enterprises to engage in production-ready proof of value (POV) projects. By validating startup innovation we can prove solutions and enterprise readiness. Successful POVs then become candidates to scale through our technology partnerships.
Graphic depicting the 'Deploy' stage, focusing on the market launch and scaling of startup innovations
POVs demonstrate the market opportunity our corporate partners are looking for. We then work with our startups to navigate them into the right go-to-market programs backed by partners.

Collaborative Industry Labs

Collaborative Industry Labs

Each industry faces unique market challenges and has distinct innovation needs. At Khasm Labs, we recognize these differences and have developed tailored programs that focus on relevant industry-specific startups their product innovation. By identifying industry challenges through our partners, our program works backwards to scout, test, and deploy disruptive, leading-edge solutions that redefine industry performance.

5G Open Innovation Lab

5G Open Innovation Lab is a globally recognized, industry-led innovation program that attracts multi-stage startups developing enterprise solutions in edge computing, ubiquitous connectivity, and other transformative technologies.

Our focus has been in transformative technologies such as:

  • Edge Computing: Understanding the technology landscape for real-time data processing at the network edge.
  • Private Networks: Developing scalable private 5G networks with edge computing that support enterprise applications.
  • Telco AI Cloud: Telco AI Cloud: Experimenting with AI platforms native to telco networks, testing developer interest, and pioneering new business models to harness AI’s transformative potential in telecommunications.
Mobility Lab
Port & Logistics Lab

Port & Logistics Lab

Today Khasm Labs operates the largest private 5G network for port operators in Tacoma Washington. We work closely with our clients, and maritime innovation partners Washington Maritime Blue and the City of Tacoma, to understand their evolving needs. Key use case areas we are currently experimenting with include:
  • Real-time Data and Analytics: Exploring advanced technologies that provide real-time data and analytics, enabling port operators to make informed decisions.
  • Safety and Security: Testing enhanced surveillance systems, automated safety checks, and real-time monitoring.
  • Environmental Impact: Helping our clients monitor and manage their environmental footprint by reducing emissions and managing waste more effectively.